Reacting to your competitors

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Reacting to your competitors

Post by Rakhi923 »

Export Sales Navigator leads for free The process is extremely simple, you just need to click on “Extract with Evaboot” to download the list into an excel file. linkedin sales navigator scraper chrome extension Step : Followers Outreach Once you have this list with contact details, you can reach out to them manually or build a linkedin prospecting campaign. For this type of outreach, I would recommend something really direct like this. Template for competitors’ followers outreach Hello, I’m reaching out because I’ve seen you follow <competitor on linkedin> Our product service is similar but <why your product or service is better than competition.

Are you currently still interested in <problem Whatsapp Number you are solving>? Best, JB It’s important to precise if the prospect is still interested in the matter because he may have followed this company a while ago. That’s it for the first technique. Now let’s dive right into the nd technique: extract competitors’ post commenters. Reach Out Competitors’ Post Commenters & Likers Tons of people are reacting to linkedin post every day. A reaction to a post is a great signal of interest for a topic. That’s why reaching out to people ’ linkedin posts (profile or company page) can be a good idea.


Step Follow everyone in your niche To detect opportunities in your niche, you need to have your competitors’ posts into your linkedin feed. linkedin post commenters So make sure to follow every competitor and influencer in your niche. Timing is critical in this kind of outreach, if you send messages to post commenters right after they comment the post, your reply rate will be much higher as the memory is still fresh steal linkedin competitors post commenters On the other hand, you want to let enough time for the post to gather a maximum of reacts.
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