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Marketing Funnel

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:00 am
by derzisispi@gufu
Marketing funnels are the perfect tool to join this path and support people in choosing the solution to their needs! Marketing funnel the marketing funnel in brief the marketing funnel is a technique used to trace the path that a potential customer takes from the discovery of a product or service to purchase. In applying this strategy becomes increasingly important for companies that want to increase their sales and improve their online presence. Why because it is already difficult to capture people's attention so it is necessary to maximize the results we can achieve with users who dedicate time to us. First we need to understand the different stages of the marketing funnel attraction consideration and conversion.

These stages represent in a very simplified way the way we can approach a user's buyer's journey. During the attraction stage our goal should be to draw potential customers' attention to who we are and what we Phone Number List offer through advertisements blog content social media and other forms of digital marketing. The consideration stage is when potential customers begin to evaluate which product or service including what we offer meets their needs. The conversion stage is when a potential customer is in the final decision stage and preparing to make a purchase or sign up for more information.


Practical actions for tangible results to effectively apply the marketing funnel in it is important to use a variety of digital channels to attract the attention of potential customers. We cannot afford to control a single communication channel because people live their buyer's journey across an infinite number of digital contexts. Furthermore a single channel presents many risks for example what would happen to your communication if it were closed advertising on social media especially on viewing channels like instagram and tiktok can be very effective for reaching a young growing audience.