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What is an influencer and how can they help you

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:41 am
by Maya
Do you know what an influencer is? This term, which is today on the lips of almost everyone and at all times, has been 'drunk' so much that perhaps sometimes when we mention it we stray from its true meaning. To clarify this concept and everything that surrounds it, today we have a luxury guest, Jorge . We chatted with him today about the vital role of influencers and how an entrepreneur can work with them to grow their ecommerce. If you also want to follow in his footsteps, the first must be to create your online store and start making yourself known. This happens by trusting Shopify. Get started for free: Try Shopify for free to create your online store.

Without credit card, easy and intuitive. types of influencers Influencer Agency: Playing It Safe What are influencers? An influencer is a person Switzerland Number Data generally a digital native whose customs and way of life significantly influence other people who follow or pay attention to him/her. For Jorge an influencer is nothing more than an influential person in your life . The biggest influencer in my life is my mother and the biggest influencer in history is probably Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ So influencers are really influencers, people who influence people.


Now it is also true that in the last 2 years that word has been conceptualized as content creator , and we are then talking about digital influencers, celebrities through social networks. So what we understand today as influencers are those public figures, those digital natives, who create content on social networks like Instagram or Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn or Snapchat. But influencers have existed for a lifetime . At least for the interviewee of today's podcast in "Masters of ecommerce. Listen to all the tips in this episode Press Don't miss the next episode! Subscribe to Shopify Ecommerce Masters.