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The Success Of Relational Uganda Phone Number

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:50 am
by Biplobroy
Marketing is obviously based on the quality of the actions implemented. This is why it is recommended to call on professionals in the health sector such as Webhelp Medica , a platform specializing in health customer relations. This type of platform generally offers innovative solutions in order to make your medical promotion a success Uganda Phone Number. Health relationship marketing The remote medical visit: an innovative lever for the promotion of laboratories Within the framework of a promotion of medical products, the medical visit represents the most important action in the marketing strategy. Some labs devote up to 80% of their marketing budget to it. The medical visit in this context is a commercial approach, the objective of which is to encourage doctors to prescribe a product to their patients Uganda Phone Number.

With this in mind, the representatives Uganda Phone Number of the laboratories send them the necessary information concerning the product. If you intend to adopt relational marketing, the ideal is to proceed by multi-channel approaches, including the remote medical visit also called e-detailing. This technique has already proven itself with many laboratories by generating a significant return on investment. At the origin of these successes, we often find customer relations professionals, in particular medical representatives. The advantages of the remote medical visit for laboratories The remote medical visit has the particularity of being able to reach a wider target Uganda Phone Number.


Indeed, in classic strategies, visitors are geographically limited and manage to reach only a few doctors in one day. With a remote system, a visit lasts only a few minutes, followed by a file being sent to the doctor if necessary. Compared to traditional visits, the remote strategy Uganda Phone Number is much more respectful of doctors' often busy schedules. Knowing that in the medical world, patients remain the priority, it is often difficult for professionals to find time to receive a laboratory representative. The effectiveness of the remote medical visit According to feedback from relationship marketing professionals, the effectiveness of remote medical visits is indisputable. Indeed, the memorization rate of a product at the end of a remote medical visit would go up to 86% against 77% following a benchmark system Uganda Phone Number.